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Being an entrepreneur is challenging enough but being a full-time mom and an entrepreneur is truly a challenge, but we must find a good balance.... if that even exist!

I am a mom of 5 very different children that all have very different needs at any given time. Two teenagers and 3 under 7 years old. You can probably imagine that things get very "interesting" in my house, so adding in full-time entrepreneur only takes "Interesting" to another level! Here are some ways I stay on top of important personal and business task without feeling completely overwhelmed...

Tip 1: Start the day Early! I am always upon at least an hour before my family wakes up which is 5:30am every day. It's my favorite time of day. I get some quiet time to gather my thought, give thanks and set the tone for a great day.

Tip2: Write EVERYTHING down! Make a To-do list. Take one sheet of paper... on the top write the date (This is important. Document the journey and Enjoy it!). Draw a line right down the middle. On one side write BUSINESS DUTIES, on the other side write MOMMY OR DADDY DUTIES. One each side write down the 3-5 most important task that must get done that day. These are your non negotiables! No Excuses... they must get DONE. Do the hardest or most challenging task first! Getting that out of the way first will have you feeling accomplished and set the tone for getting you other task done. Set Realistic goals and check them off as you get them done. (Crossing important task off your list feels amazing btw!)

Tip #3: Delegate :) Recruit the people around you. Everyone has to help out especially if you have teenagers. I even give the babies chores lol. We have a saying in our house... "Teamwork makes the dream work!" Having my fiancé help with dinner and laundry definitely helps me get those important tasks checked off my list as well.

How do you stay organized and on top of important task? Is there any such thing as balance when it comes to being a parent and full-time entrepreneur? I'd love to hear your thoughts and suggestions!!....

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